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How to Fix the "Your Connection Isn't Private" Error in Chrome (2023 Guide)

How to Fix the "Your Connection Isn't Private" Error in Chrome (2023 Guide)

Are you seeing a message that says "Your connection isn't private" when you try to visit some websites in Chrome? This error can be annoying and frustrating, especially if you need to access important information or services online. But don't worry, there's a way to fix it.

In this guide, I'll explain what causes this error, how to check if it's safe to proceed, and how to fix it in different scenarios. By following these steps, you'll be able to browse the web securely and without any interruptions.

What Causes the "Your Connection Isn't Private" Error?

The "Your connection isn't private" error is also known as the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error. It occurs when Chrome can't verify the identity of the website you're trying to visit. This could happen for several reasons:

-- The website has an expired or invalid SSL certificate. SSL certificates are digital documents that encrypt the data between your browser and the website. They also prove that the website is owned by a legitimate entity. If the certificate is expired or invalid, Chrome will warn you that the site is not secure.
-- The website has a mismatched domain name. Sometimes, the domain name in the certificate doesn't match the domain name in the address bar. For example, if you try to visit, but the certificate is for, Chrome will flag this as a mismatch.
-- The website has been hacked or compromised. In some cases, hackers or malicious actors might try to intercept your data by redirecting you to a fake website that looks like the real one. They might also inject malicious code or ads into the website. This is called a man-in-the-middle attack (MITM).
--Your computer or network has a problem. Sometimes, the error is not caused by the website, but by your own device or network. For example, if your computer's clock is wrong, Chrome might think that the certificate is expired. Or if your antivirus software or firewall is blocking the connection, Chrome might not be able to verify the certificate.

How to Check If It's Safe to Proceed?

When you see the "Your connection isn't private" error, Chrome will give you two options: go back to safety or proceed anyway. Before you decide what to do, you should check if it's safe to proceed.

Here are some steps you can take to check if the website is trustworthy:

-- Look at the address bar and make sure that the domain name is correct and spelled correctly. For example, if you're trying to visit, make sure that it's not or
-- Look at the padlock icon next to the address bar and click on it. You should see a pop-up window that shows information about the website's certificate. Check if the certificate is valid and issued by a reputable authority. You can also click on "Certificate" to see more details about the certificate.
-- Look for any signs of tampering or hacking on the website. For example, if you see any unusual pop-ups, ads, or messages that ask for your personal information or passwords, don't enter them and leave the site immediately.
-- If you're still not sure if it's safe to proceed, you can do some research online. You can search for reviews or feedback from other users who have visited the website. You can also use tools like VirusTotal or SSL Labs to scan the website for any malware or security issues.

How to Fix It in Different Scenarios?

Depending on what causes the "Your connection isn't private" error, there are different ways to fix it. Here are some common scenarios and solutions:

-- If the website has an expired or invalid SSL certificate, you can try contacting the website owner and letting them know about the problem. They might need to renew or update their certificate. Alternatively, you can wait until they fix it and try visiting again later.
-- If the website has a mismatched domain name, you can try using a different URL that matches the certificate. For example, if you see an error when visiting, try using instead.
-- If the website has been hacked or compromised, you should avoid visiting it until it's safe again. You can also report it to Google Safe Browsing or other authorities that can help take down malicious websites.
-- If your computer or network has a problem, you can try fixing it by following these steps:
-- Check your computer's clock and make sure that it it's set to the correct date and time. If it's wrong, adjust it accordingly.
  -- Check your antivirus software or firewall and make sure that they are not blocking the connection to the website. You might need to whitelist the website or disable the software temporarily.
  -- Check your network settings and make sure that you are using a secure and reliable connection. You might need to switch to a different network or use a VPN service to bypass any restrictions or interference.


The "Your connection isn't private" error in Chrome can be annoying and frustrating, but it can also be fixed easily. By following these steps, you can check if the website is safe to visit and fix the error in different scenarios. This way, you can browse the web securely and without any interruptions.

I hope this guide was helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. And if you liked this post, please share it with your friends and family. Thanks for reading!


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